Motivating people to practice intentional acts of kindness

Life Is God's Gift

Disbelief, shock, then anger are the initial responses to a personal announcement of imminent death. It is rarely an acceptable diagnosis. I want to live! Here! Physically!

Some time ago, my wife and I traveled over the rocky road of her breast cancer, which carried a major surgical part, then chemotherapy and reconstructive surgery. Never did she, or I, regard this as a death warrant. We responded with aggressive tactics aimed to deny death any chance of winning. Hezekiah, too, fought as best he knew how to live. He, too, had a powerful love of life and wanted badly to go on living.

Life is God's gift. It is not an insignificant holding time. There will come a time when, with a sigh, approaching death may be acceptable, maybe a relief welcomed and even longed for.  Until then, however, death is an enemy to be opposed, stalled, and blocked every way we can.

Therefore, I urge you, enjoy each new day as another gift from God. Thank him for it and make good use of it. Fill it with wonderful things — we are not people who believe in 'killing time'. Time is an unrenewable resource: the moment that we waste cannot be recovered.


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    Laugh Lines

      Silly Thoughts

At my age ’Getting lucky’ means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.

Have you read Jim Kok's signature book?

The secret is that, more than saying anything, you just show up!

We help people by leaving our own comfort zone and standing close to them.