Care Capsule

The Miracle of Kindness

People are remarking that this new book by Dr. James R. Kok is enjoyable, yet rich and compelling.

“I was struck by the urgency that came through in Jim’s writing.”Paul Morris, Aerospace Engineer

Others are impressed by the guidance it gives them as they face encounters with people during the week.

“Almost every day I find myself using some breakthrough (for me) advice from Jim’s book that just changes the dynamics of situations in my business and it works wonders way beyond what I can explain...Besides all the fantastic practical wisdom, this book is one of those genius concepts that can make an unbelievable difference in the world...and isn’t making a difference what everyone wants to do?”Dean Wilson, California Businessman

The Miracle of Kindness is a 280-page comprehensive illumination of Dr. Kok’s entire vision for the Care and
Kindness movement. This is a “handbook” that you will enjoy reading, but which will continue to serve as a reference and a valuable resource for you as you become an Ambassador of Kindness. The book is sprinkled liberally
throughout with inspiring anecdotes of Care and Kindness that Dr. Kok has collected over time. A Discussion
Guide in the back draws out the key concepts of each chapter and stimulates thoughts on how to apply Dr. Jim’s concepts to everyday living.

Have you ordered your copy yet?

Be the second on your block to order it (you’re probably too late to be the first !)

To order online, check the
Crystal Cathedral Gift Store


To order by mail, send a check or money order payable to “Becomers Books” for $20 (includes tax and
shipping) to: Becomers Books, 12141 Lewis Street, Garden Grove, Ca 92840

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