Care Capsule


Collecting Capsules of Kindness

Below are four short stories told by people who have attended previous Care Conferences. Is there one that you can identify with? Do you have a similar story?

We are anxious to hear about all that you are doing to help make God’s love come alive in His world. We love your stories. Dr. Kok’s book, “The Miracle of Kindness”, is sprinkled throughout with stories that he has collected about how people share and experience acts of kindness. Now, we want to add to this wonderful collection.

So…if you are planning to attend the Care and Kindness Conference next March, we want you to begin preparations for the conference (some advance homework!) by being more conscientious about the ways you are showing kindnesses and those that you are experiencing as you “Live Your Faith”. Our plan is to build a Conference Capsule — with your stories and photos — that will contain the many ways that Christ is being shown in our world. This is a planned activity during the conference, so it is important for you to start collecting your “evidence” now —stories, pictures, etc.

To those of our readers who are not able to be with us next March, here is what YOU can do. You can undertake the same “homework” assignment described above, but then send your material to us by February 15, 2010. Your contribution to our Conference Capsule will be valuable and appreciated. It will be a blessing to us and to those who will be at the conference.

Remember, we are looking for stories both of your kindnesses given and of those you have received from others.

Showing Kindness through Neighborhood Involvement

Being Brave Enough to Approach a Hurting Stranger

Reaching Out to Others Makes Me Happier

A Lesson in Showing Kindness to a Co-Worker

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